Get Started


We’re here for you.

You do not need prior experience or a certain level of fitness. You can come as you are!

The first step is to complete the contact form, text or phone us.

A member of our team will respond within 24 hours to answer any
questions you may have about MVMNT BOX.

Joining is as easy
as 1 – 2 – (3)

New to CrossFit?
Free Trial > Foundations Course > Membership

You have done CrossFit previously:
Free Trial > Membership

It's as easy as that!

The Foundations Course

The Foundations Course is a course that consists of 3 small group PT sessions to introduces you to the fundamental movements in CrossFit. It is to help you know more about what to expect in the CrossFit sessions. After the course, you’ll walk away having done CrossFit in a small friendly group, you’ll know the terminology and would have been introduced to the technical movements alongside one of our expert coaches.

“The most wonderful people and the best form of keeping fit I’ve ever done in my life. It’s changed me physically and mentally and I feel like I’m living the best years of my life! Thank you MVMNT BOX”

Tor, 39